Saturday, April 16, 2011

Life is whatever I make it, these are my influences................

Hi All,

Things are really coming together for me! I have the best support system ever! My Family keeps me grounded! The children - my inspiration, my love - my anchor and he never lets me go! There is nothing like having someone in your life you is always there for you and for knowing there is no ulterior motive because you have no ties that bind other than love.
But moving on to my influences, having gone from one child to six almost immediately, I can sympathize with parents, wanting to by quality items for any occasions for multiple children can be expensive.  I try to provide beautiful baskets, careboxes and carepaks that are of good quality as well as visually pleasing at a very low cost.
I've been told that the industry standard is to take cost of supplies and multiply by three. Hello? Recession??!!
One look at my baskets and their prices and you will know immediately I do not following  industry standards!  Visit our new website and check out or Easter Baskets, Careboxes and personalcarepaks at recession proof prices! All can be personalized for anyone or any occasion!
You can like us on Facebook: Personally Packaged and follow us on Twitter:personalcarepak

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