Monday, February 21, 2011


Diligently working to make sure Easter is twice as good as Valentine's Day! 
Look for my very personalized line of Easter Baskets for lil girls, limited quantities!!
Pictures coming soon!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Thank You!!!

To all my customers that supported me through this holiday. Valentine's day has been my best  so far! I had so much fun completing these orders and allow me to say I feel so blessed to have so many people rooting for me and supporting me. To be able to receive profit doing something I love sooooo much, I never dreamed this could be!  save the web address,  the  site should be live in a couple of weeks!

Friday, February 11, 2011


Fervently working to get my Valentine's Day paks out.  6 more to go, or until I get another order! I feel so blessed!  anywho, break is over, back to work!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Too busy to blog?? No such thing!

Wow-will you look at this, as I'm getting my ducks in a row I've been almost too busy to blog! I set a Valentine's Day quota and I have to say, I am so blessed with such a supportive family that I am able to juggle multiple tasks without falling on my face. My family keeps me steady and grounded!  Anyway, it's quite fun to watch the boys try to help with the business, mostly packaging and maybe deliveries but all seem to have taken an interest in building a business and I would have gone through this exercise JUST to plant those seeds. 
That, however, is not why I am doing it.
It is Monday and my baskets have to ship by Wednesday LATEST!  What to do, what to do!!! 
I know, some people would love to be in my position and have orders to fill, I know I am blessed and I give thanks to him for his blessings each day. 
Well, back to work, nice talking to you.  Website up soon,
Bye for now.